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React Native Folder Structure with React Navigation & Redux

In the next 10 minutes, I will showcase how I manage the react-native folder structure. Let’s create and run a react native project first.

  1. Create a New React Native Project
    • npx react-native init MyProject
  2. Running React Native App
    • react-native start
  3. Start your application
    • react-native run-ios
    • react-native run-android
  4. Create src folder in root directory
    • api
      • urls.js – to store all endpoints
      • package.json – defining name
      • api.js – XHR class
      • auth.js – Login/Register API requests
      • dashboard.js – All other API requests
      • index.js – importing all js files
    • assets
      • images
    • components
      • shared – this folder has all shared components (usually functional components)
      • index.js – export all shared components
      • package.json – defining name
    • containers – this folder has all the main components
      • index.js – export all containers
      • package.json – defining name
    • navigation
      • index.js
      • package.json
      • drawernavigation.js
    • redux
      • store.js
      • actions
      • reducers

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